L5r Character Creator

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The 20 Questions of L5R

To aid you in fleshing out your character, take a moment to look through the questions presented below. The first ten are meant to be answered with the intention of filling in some details about your character. The second set of ten questions is meant to be answered in order to help establish what his or her thinking patterns might be like. These questions are purely optional and meant only as a guide to help you along the way through character creation and are by no means mandatory.

    This is one of the most important questions of your character’s development. Each of the different Clans have a wide range of philosophies, ideals, and histories that will influence how your character is raised and treated by others. Conversely, it will also tend to color how your character will approach others. To help you get an idea of which Clan you may want to join, take a look at the Clan descriptions in the Book of Earth.
    Start with the most obvious here and work your way to the details. Go from defining your character’s gender to mentioning any sort of scars or facial ticks they might have. Appearance is an important aspect of Rokugan’s social interactions, and most people tend to rely heavily on outward appearances for first impressions. Does your character have a warm, inviting smile, or do his eyes dart around constantly, nervously searching for any sort of threat? Maybe he dresses as plainly as is acceptable and makes himself almost completely bland so as not to be noticed.
    This is an important distinction, as the Empire’s rigid social system advocates that everyone knows their role and acts accordingly. This is not entirely a straightjacket, however – many bushi are well known for their scholarly pursuits, and there are tales of courtiers who maintain great courage under fi re during physical conflicts.
    Much like your character’s Clan choice, the family he comes from will have a significant impact on his history and interactions with others. Where each Clan tends to have very general traditions and philosophies, each family has unique ones. For example, the Lion are well known for their martial prowess and general disdain for the Crane and Scorpion Clans. However, the Ikoma family is a family of historians and diplomats in a Clan of warriors, and often works in alliance with the Shosuro family of the Scorpion Clan. In addition, some families have much greater standing within the Clan than others. The Moto family of the Unicorn are the undisputed leaders of the Clan, and warriors of the family take positions of glory and leadership, while the Horiuchi toil in obscurity in their small temples. Some characters are more interesting if they begin from such humble origins as the Horiuchi, while others seem destined for greatness from birth.
    Though all samurai are ideally devoted to their lord and their duty above all else, each individual character may have different reasons for this – or different goals entirely. For some characters, this motivation may be as simple as maintaining the honor of your ancestors by never failing the duty they have performed for the Clan for generations. Others may be more specific, carrying a heart full of vengeance against another samurai from a different (or even the same) Clan. Powerful motivations tend to revolve around revenge, love, honor, pride, or any number of ideals that will keep your character going when all else seems lost.
    Samurai should be able to trust another honorable samurai without hesitation, but there are usually one or more figures that a character knows he can rely upon. This may be a supportive father, a dedicated sensei, a sibling, or someone completely unrelated to the character. Determining who the character trusts is not as important as determining why. What is it exactly that your character knows about this person that makes them so trustworthy? What impresses your character in such a fashion can go a long way to defining his psyche.
    Others may have an opinion about what is great or flawed about your character, but what is truly the worst and best qualities he carries? It is important to remember that a character’s strengths are the things that he would be looked up to for, while his weaknesses are there to remind himself and possibly others that he is still only mortal. These traits don’t necessarily have to be epic to define your character, but they should be aspects that help you understand your character’s limitations and purpose.
    The philosophy of bushido is ideally practiced and observed by all warriors, and even non-bushi look to bushido for guiding principles. As with any such code of conduct, there are those who adhere to it as if it were life itself, those who only find some of the tenets important, some who see it more as a set of loose guidelines, and others who believe it is little more than an unrealistic dream. Characters with a high Honor Rank will most likely take bushido seriously, but that doesn’t necessarily they believe all parts are of equal importance.
    This one is difficult. Much like bushido, samurai are expected to embrace their duty to their Clan without hesitation or question, but that does not always happen. Does your character believe completely in the ideals and goals of his Clan, or does he find fault occasionally with some of their actions? A good example would be a Daidoji bushi – a steadfast and practical warrior in a Clan of peacemakers and artisans. Does that Daidoji see his cousins as self-deluded idealists that need his protection? Perhaps he understands that it is his place to protect the Crane so that the other families can lead more peaceful lives.
    This is an important question for a number of reasons. Will your character have any dependents he will be responsible for? It’s also important to remember that marriage is an arranged business in Rokugan, and many marriages are made to cement political ties or treaties and not anything beyond that. Perhaps your character’s spouse is a worthless pain in the neck that you have to live with in order to maintain your Clan’s alliance with another Clan? Though arranged marriages seldom result in true love, it’s also likely that you and your spouse have come to respect and understand one another, creating a harmonious household. In either respect, a marriage can possibly grant you political ties to the more powerful samurai in your own family, other families in your Clan, or other Clans entirely. Naturally, such a tie can easily be a blessing and a curse at once.
    probably pass on their broad views of other Clans on to him. Beyond that, has he developed any such viewpoints on his own? Or does he even agree with the ones that are largely accepted by his kin?
    The easy answer would be “The Emperor,” but few samurai have the honor of serving the Son of Heaven directly in their day to day duties. Think of who your character would show the most loyalty in his everyday activities. Is he strictly bound to obey his lord without any other influence? Perhaps he has a wise sensei that he goes out of his way to consult and serve even if the sensei has no direct authority over him. Even trickier would be a samurai with a secret love that he places above anything else. Every samurai must be prepared to give their life without hesitation on the command of their masters, but every samurai would also do so for someone of their choosing. When the time came, who would that person be?
    This is a broad question that is meant to help establish a pattern of behavior. When answering this, start with the rational and move to the irrational. Rational dislikes could be explained for purely logical reasons – such as a fondness for poetry due to his family being famous writers, or a dislike of flower arrangements because you failed your lessons in ikebana and embarrassed your father. Irrational dislikes can be much more entertaining and far less likely to change – a dislike of Noh theatre actors because your father was shamed for an affair with one, or being partial to red because you won your first duel while wearing a red kimono.
    Since everyone tends to act according to the same protocol and etiquette, the minor and inoffensive details of behavior tend to get noticed more. Does your character bite his lip when he’s deep in thought? Perhaps he has a particular phrase he greets everyone with. When his hands aren’t doing anything, what does he do with them?
    Even the most disciplined minds have their weaknesses, not that your character necessarily has an unusually strong control of his emotions. Does he have a hard time controlling his disdain for others he sees as acting improperly? Is there a certain situation or “button” that always arouses your character’s sympathy? Perhaps it’s nearly impossible to get your character really angry… or sad… or jubilant.
    This applies to both subordinates from the samurai and lower classes, though the answer might be different for each. Some characters might see the fallibility of the peasants as expected, a result of their low station, but misbehaving samurai are unacceptable because they should know their place better. On the reverse, perhaps he thinks peasants must be kept in line with harsh consequences, while samurai can be reprimanded effectively with lesser severity.
    A samurai’s relationship with his family is important, and his relationship with his parents even more so. Filial devotion is expected from a true samurai, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that there is any real respect between a parent and child. It’s entirely possible that one parent thinks the world of their child while the other sees him as little more than a failure. A samurai’s relationship with his parents not only speaks volumes about his nature, but also tends to be used by others as a measure of his worth.
    It’s important to note that while desire is a sin, ambition tempered with duty is perfectly acceptable. Many bushi aspire to be great leaders or revered teachers, while shugenja tend to yearn for the life as a respected scholar or advisor. Maybe your character doesn’t have any specific goals, and is happy right now with just serving his lord to the best of his ability. Once you’ve discovered your character’s goals, take a moment and decide just how far he’s willing to go to achieve them…
    Proof of the supernatural is evident to most samurai, but those who do not directly deal with the mystic arts don’t necessarily find themselves overly concerned with them. Some believe that while the Fortunes and kami are all very well and good, in the end one can only rely on his own abilities. Others spend hours a day in prayer, constantly attempting to attune themselves to the rhythm of the universe in search of true enlightenment.
    One of the most important aspects of enjoying the role you have chosen for your character is seeing just how distanced you are from it. Does your character closely resemble your own attitudes and mannerisms, leaving little to say? Maybe, upon closer inspection, you think your character should change a thing or two? This question isn’t intended to find faults in your character with the intention of fixing them. Instead, recognize the differences, if any, between the character and yourself to help keep you in character once the game starts.

A character generator for Legend of the Five Rings. Paper Blossoms is an open source character generator for Legend of the Five Rings, a roleplaying game by Fantasy Flight Games. The application and author (s) are not affiliated with FFG or any other official L5R party. Go to the Character Sheet. On the Character Sheet: Choose your Name. On the Character Sheet: Update your Rings. Add your Skills and Emphases. Additional Skills: Add your Armor. On the Character Sheet: Add your Weapons and Arrows. If you are a Shugenja, go to the Spells Sheet and add your spells.

  1. Once your character is created, the world is yours to explore. The book contains several chapters designed for the benefit of the Game Master, featuring advice on running a game in the world of Rokugan, including different ways to run a campaign, as well as a wealth of mechanical rules and non-player characters that can be used to populate your.
  2. Jan 30, 2021 - Characters for Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) RPG. See more ideas about character art, fantasy characters, rpg character.
Legend of the Five Rings
Roleplaying Game
Designer(s)Brian Yoon, Fred Wan, John Wick, Rich Wulf, Seth Mason, Shawn Carman, Rob Hobart
Publisher(s)Alderac Entertainment Group
Publication date1997 (1st edition)
2000 (2nd edition)
2005 (3rd edition)
2010 (4th edition)[1]
2018 (Fantasy Flight Games)
System(s)Roll-and-Keep system

The Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game is a role-playing game originally written by John Wick and published by Alderac Entertainment Group, under license from Five Rings Publishing Group, in 1997. The game uses the Legend of the Five Rings setting, and primarily the nation of Rokugan, which is based on feudalJapan with influences from other East Asian cultures.

Like most role-playing games, Legend of the Five Rings is played by one or more players and a game master, who controls the events that happen during the game as well as the non-player characters (NPCs). Legend of the Five Rings features many courtiers and other non-combatant character types as valid player characters.

In 1998, Legend of the Five Rings won the Origins Award for Best Roleplaying Game of 1997.[2] In 2008 the L5R RPG 3rd Edition sourcebook Emerald Empire won the Scrye Players Choice Award.

In September 2015, AEG and Fantasy Flight Games jointly announced that the intellectual property had been sold to FFG.[3] Fantasy Flight Games released a new role-playing game based on the Legend of the Five Rings setting in October, 2018.[4]



The fictional setting of Legend of the Five Rings is similar to feudalJapan, though it also includes aspects of other Asian cultures, as well as magic and mythical beasts. There is no given name for the entire world which the setting describes, so 'Rokugan' is used alternately to refer to the specific nation within the setting or to refer to the entire world.

Rokugani society is based on a clan structure, with seven (and later eight) so-called 'Great Clans', as well as a number of minor clans. Great Clans are made up of several family lines, each with their own general purpose within the clan. Minor clans generally only have one family. Each clan also has areas of land bequeathed by the emperor under their control. The emperor retains ownership of all lands, however, and the clans essentially rent the lands by paying annual taxes.


The game system of Legend of the Five Rings uses 10-sided dice exclusively. Usually, when a die is rolled and the result is 10 (normally marked '0' on the die), the die is said to 'explode'. In this situation, the player rolls again and the new result is added to the original result. If this second result is a 10, the player rolls a third time, totaling all three results. This process is repeated until the player rolls something other than 10. The second edition and most books made for it were written to work both with this system and with D20 rules as presented in the Oriental Adventures D&D setting; this was discontinued after 3rd edition was published.

Roll & Keep[edit]

The mechanic for which the game is most widely known is the 'Roll & Keep' system, designed by Dave Williams and John Wick. When dice are rolled, there are two quantities given: a number of dice to be rolled and a number of dice to be 'kept'. The totals of the kept dice are added together, giving the player the total sum for his or her roll. For example, if a roll called for five dice to be rolled and three kept (said simply 'five keep three' or written '5k3'), five dice would be rolled. Out of those five, the player would choose three (generally, but not necessarily, the player would choose the three with the highest values) whose values would be added together for the total value of the roll.


Legend of the Five Rings uses eight traits: Stamina, Willpower, Strength, Perception, Agility, Intelligence, Reflexes, and Awareness. The Traits are grouped into pairs associated with four elemental 'Rings' (respectively to above): Earth, Water, Fire and Air. The four Rings represent a limitation in character development, because in order for a character to advance, the level of his Rings must increase, and to increase a character's Rings, both of the Ring's associated Traits must increase.

There is a fifth Ring, called Void. This ring, like the other four, is taken from Miyamoto Musashi's The Book of Five Rings, although 'Nothingness' is a better translation of the text. In the game, Void represents a character's inner strength, and its use allows a character to perform extraordinary actions, or to perform normal actions more efficiently.

Character creation[edit]

There are primarily two methods of creating characters in role-playing games: to roll dice to randomly generate attributes or to begin with a set number of points and a formula by which attributes can be purchased with these points. Legend of the Five Rings uses the latter method. Each new character begins with 40 'Character Points' to spend to create the character (except for ronin characters, which begin with 55). These points are spent to raise the level of the character's Traits and Void Ring, to raise the level of the character's skills, and to purchase new skills. In previous versions of the game, characters started with 30 points, or 45 for ronin.

These points may also be used to purchase Advantages, which give the character some extra bonus or ability that is designed to help in certain situations (such as 'Large', which increases the damage a character can inflict, or 'Social Position', which increases that character's standing in the courts of the land). Conversely, if a player so chooses, he can select a number of Disadvantages for his character, which give extra Character Points to spend in other areas, but imposes some penalty on the character during play (such as 'Small', which decreases the damage the character can inflict with certain weapons, or 'Bad Reputation', which causes a great number of NPCs to dislike the character).


The Legend of the Five Rings Role-Playing Game is renowned for its lethality.[5] Players who charge into combat unaware will often find their characters killed in the first session. Proper role-playing is encouraged to avoid combat when unnecessary, but the characters do have requisite abilities to survive if combat is forced in the early stages.

Oriental Adventures[edit]

Oriental Adventures was published originally in 1985 by TSR, Inc. as an expansion for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons and was set in a land called Kara-Tur. In 2001, Wizards of the Coast released a new edition of Oriental Adventures as an expansion for the third edition of Dungeons & Dragons. It was decided to make this new version of Oriental Adventures a showcase for their recently acquired Legend of the Five Rings. An official (but not 100% comprehensive) update of Oriental Adventures to the v.3.5 rules can be found in Dragon Magazine #318 (April 2004), pp. 32–48.

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For the entirety of its Second Edition, with the exception of the Player's Guide, Game Master's Guide, Way of the Shadowlands, Winter Court: Kyuden Asako, and Time of the Void, books published for the Legend of the Five Rings RPG had two different sets of game mechanics: the mechanics from the Legend of the Five Rings Second Edition Player's Guide and corresponding mechanics for d20 System, such as those presented in Oriental Adventures. Beginning with the Third Edition of the Legend of the Five Rings Role-Playing Game, and because of the lack of availability of the now out of print Oriental Adventures, the d20 System rules have been dropped from current Legend of the Five Rings Role-Playing Game books.


L5r Character Creator

Listed by AEG reference number in parentheses followed by title

First Edition (AEG)[edit]

(3001) Legend of the Five Rings – Roleplaying in the Emerald Empire (first edition core rule book)
(3002) Game Master's Pack: The Hare Clan
(3003) Way of the Dragon (Way of the Clans: Book One)
(3004) City of Lies box set (L-1 City of Lies)
(3005) Way of the Unicorn (Way of the Clans: Book Two)
(3006) Book of the Shadowlands
(3007) Way of the Crab (Way of the Clans: Book Three)
(3008) Way of the Scorpion (Way of the Clans: Book Five)
(3009) Way of the Crane (Way of the Clans: Book Four)
(3010) Way of the Lion (Way of the Clans: Book Six)
(3011) Walking the Way: The Lost Spells of Rokugan
(3012) Tomb of Iuchiban box set (S-1 Shadowlands Series)
(3013) Way of Shadow
(3014) Way of the Naga (Way of the Clans: Book Eight)
(3015) Game Master's Survival Guide
(3016) Winter Court: Kyuden Seppun
(3017) Way of the Phoenix (Way of the Clans: Book Seven)
(3018) Unexpected Allies
(3019) Bearers of Jade: The Second Book of the Shadowlands
(3020) Otosan Uchi: The Imperial City box set (O-1 The Imperial City)
(3021) Way of the Minor Clans (Way of the Clans: Book Nine)
(3022) Game Master's Pack (Revised): The Silence Within Sound
(3023) Merchant's Guide to Rokugan
(3024) Winter Court: Kyuden Kakita
(3025) Way of the Wolf (Way of the Clans: Book Ten)
(3028) Way of Shinsei (Way of the Clans: Book Eleven)
(4001) Honor's Veil (I-1 Intrigue Series)
(4002) Night of a Thousand Screams (L-2 City of Lies)
(4003) Code of Bushido (B-1 Bushido Series)
(4004) Twilight Honor (S-2 Shadowlands Series)
(4005) Midnight's Blood (M-1 High Magic Series)
(4006) Legacy of the Forge (B-2 Bushido Series)
(4007) Void in the Heavens (M-2 High Magic Series)
(4008) Lesser of Two Evils (S-3 Shadowlands Series)
(4500) Character Travelogue: Crab
(4501) Character Travelogue: Crane
(4502) Character Travelogue: Dragon
(4503) Character Travelogue: Lion
(4504) Character Travelogue: Phoenix
(4505) Character Travelogue: Ronin
(4506) Character Travelogue: Scorpion
(4507) Character Travelogue: Unicorn

Second Edition (AEG)[edit]

(3026) Secrets of the Lion
(3027) Secrets of the Scorpion
(3029) Secrets of the Unicorn
(3030) Way of the Shadowlands *
(3030) Winter Court: Kyuden Asako *(both marked 3030, there is no 3031)
(3032) Way of the Ratling
(3033) Time of the Void
(3034) Secrets of the Mantis
(3035) Secrets of the Phoenix
(3036) Secrets of the Crab
(3037) Secrets of the Crane
(3038) Secrets of the Dragon
(3039) Secrets of the Shadowlands
(3040) Complete Exotic Arms Guide supplement
(3041) Legend of the Five Rings Live-Action Roleplaying
(3042) Way of the Open Hand
(3043) Way of the Daimyo
(3044) Way of the Thief
(3046) Complete Exotic Arms Guide
(3047) The Hidden Emperor
(3101) Legend of the Five Rings – Player's Guide (second edition core rules)
(3102) Legend of the Five Rings – Game Master's Guide (second edition core rules)
(3103) Rokugan – Oriental Adventures Campaign Setting
(3104) Creatures of Rokugan
(3105) Magic of Rokugan
(3106) Way of the Samurai
(3107) Way of the Ninja
(3108) Way of the Shugenja
(3109) Fortunes & Winds
(4009) Bells of the Dead
(4010) Mimura: The Village of Promises

L5r Character Creator

Non-AEG second edition compatible books[edit]

(WTC 12015) Oriental Adventures (d20 System)
(PCI 2101) Bloodspeakers (d20 System)

Third Edition (AEG)[edit]

(3200) Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Third Edition
(3201) The Four Winds: The Toturi Dynasty from Gold to Lotus
(3202) Creatures of Rokugan
(3203) Art of the Duel
(3204) Emerald Empire: The Legend of the Five Rings Companion
(3205) Masters of War
(3206) Prayers and Treasures
(3207) Masters of Court
(3208) Legend of the Burning Sands Roleplaying Game
(3209) Masters of Magic
(3210) Fealty and Freedom
(3211) The Vacant Throne

Fourth Edition (AEG)[edit]

L5r Character Creation

(3300) Legend of the Five Rings – 4th Edition (core rules)
(3301) Legacy of Disaster
(3302) Game Master's Screen and Adventure (Descent into Darkness)
(3303) Strongholds of the Empire
(3304) Enemies of the Empire
(3305) Emerald Empire
(3306) The Great Clans
(3307) Imperial Histories
(3308) The Book of Air
(3309) Second City box set
(3310) The Book of Earth
(3311) Imperial Histories 2
(3312) The Book of Fire
(3313) Naishou Province
(3314) Secrets of the Empire
(3315) The Book of Water
(3316) Sword and Fan
(3317) Book of the Void
(3318) Atlas of Rokugan
Unexpected Allies 2 (pdf and print-on-demand)
The Imperial Archives (pdf and print-on-demand)

Fifth Edition (FFG)[edit]

Beginner Game with The Topaz Championship (adventure, completed by In The Palace of the Emerald Champion adventure and 3 more pre-generated characters, pdf)
Core Rulebook
Game Master's Kit with Dark Tides (adventure, completed by The Mantis Clan sourcebook, pdf)
Emerald Empire (sourcebook)
Wedding At Kyotei Castle (2018 Gen Con adventure, pdf)
Shadowlands (sourcebook)
Mask of the Oni (adventure, completed by The Knotted Tails supplemental storyline, pdf)
Courts of Stone (sourcebook)
Winter's Embrace (adventure, completed by The Scroll or the Blade supplemental adventure, pdf)
Path of Waves (sourcebook)
Sins of Regret (adventure, completed by Cresting Waves supplemental encounters, pdf)
The Highwayman (2019 Gen Con adventure, pdf)
Celestial Realms (sourcebook)
Wheel of Judgement (adventure, completed by Deathly Turns supplemental encounters, pdf)
Fields of Victory (sourcebook)
Blood of the Lioness (adventure, completed by 'Legacies of War' supplemental content, pdf)
Writ of the Wilds (sourcebook, announced 7/21/2020)


The reviewer from the online second volume of Pyramid stated that 'I have a great deal of nostalgia for FGU's classic game Bushido, and Legend of the Five Rings captures much of Bushido's Oriental swords & sorcery feel, with, thankfully, much more comprehensible rules.'[6]


L5r 4th Edition Character Creator

  1. ^[1]
  2. ^'Origins Award Winners (1997)'. Archived from the original on 2008-03-31.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  3. ^'A New Emperor Rises'. Fantasyflightgames.com. Retrieved 2020-02-06.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  4. ^'Legend of the Five Rings RPG Beta'. Fantasyflightgames.com. Retrieved 2020-02-06.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  5. ^'Legacy of Disaster pg.5 sidebar'(PDF). Archived from the original(PDF) on 2013-12-03.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)
  6. ^'Pyramid: Pyramid Pick: Legend of the Five Rings'. Sjgames.com.

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External links[edit]

Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Legend_of_the_Five_Rings_Roleplaying_Game&oldid=1018197424'

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