ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Audit Checklist Page 5 of 49 Clause 4: CONTEXT OF OUR ORGANIZATION 4.1 Understanding our organization and its context Sl. SI.#Au Audit Question Au Audit Result Au Describe the Gap 11 Has our organization determined the external and internal issues that are relevant to its. ISO Checklist Page 1 of 16 Company: Department: Completed by Date completed 4. Context of the organisation 4.1 Understanding the organisation and its context Clause ISO Requirements Reference in your system verification Area of concern? 4.1 Have you determined external and internal issues that are.
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Dear All, On day after tomorrow we have ISO audit for HR-Department so please guide me on the same why because i am not aware of anything on the same. From India, Hyderabad
Sharmila Das
Dear Mr. Ashok,The ISO process is basically the certification provided but with different levels ISO 9001:2008, 14001:2004 (Environmental Management System), 18001:2007 (OHSAS - Occupational Health & Safety Assesment Series), The quality parameters should match the organization that work.
ISO 9001:2008 - This involves the Resource Management and the Training needs applicable only to the HR Dept.
-- Resource Management - Manpower palnning, recruitment & Selection
-- Training involves - Training need identification, Training Planning, Training Agenda, Training circular, Conducting of Training, Feedback on training, Evaluation of training, Skill updation.
Please arrange to keep documents related to HR audit as follows -
- Employee files with documents
- Training Calander
- Training need identification
- Training Reports
- Training Evaluation Reports
- Attendance Registers
- Canteen Records
- Complaince to legal formalities
- Contract Agreements
- Compentency Matrix
still a few more constrained to HR record keeping.
Refer to the ISO audit books and the information pertained to the rest will be readily available to your purpose.
From India, Visakhapatnam
Bhardwaj Ramesh
Dear Ashok,Ms Sharmila Das has gived the detailed points to be taken care.
In addition read and understand all the SOP's (Standard Operating Procedures) as applicalce to your department.
Also make sure that all employees know the Company policy and concerned departmental employees about the department objectives.
House-keeping should be better as it gives the first impression of the organisation.
With Best Wishes
From India, New Delhi
Dear Ramesh, This SOP is different and ISO audit is also different. From India, Hyderabad
Dear Ashok ,Kindly focus on some key things when ever it comes to H.R audit
Updated Training Records ,SOP
Pest control records ,SOP
Recruitment &induction SOP
All statutory compliances updated means all license available applicable in your industry
If you have the above documents you can face any audit without any problem.
Sandeep Thakur
From India, Delhi
Bhardwaj Ramesh
Dear Ashok,ISO audit shall be done for all the processes to know and understand the compliances and confirmities. . Input....................Media/Value addition..................Output. No process is complete without output. We can not get output without any input and value addition.
For the processes you would have the detailed procedures to follow which are described in the SOP's.
With Best regards
From India, New Delhi
Sharmila Das
Footnote: ISO Certification is valid upto 3 years. During these three years Auditors visit on and off to recheck the continual improvement of the company. Whilst inspection by the Auditors if they find any dearth in the documents they would provide a 'Non-confirmity' report, which closes in 90 days and one has to provide the accurate data on time if it is Minor before it goes Major. From India, Visakhapatnam
Dear Mr. Ashok,Please check with your Management's Representative(MR) the key responsible mandate for ISO DOCUMENTATION & all other related process. He will give you the checklist applicable for HR DEPARTMENT. Please crosscheck respective records as per the points stated in the checklist.
For sure, there must be ISO MANUAL for your organisation. Kindly go through it and update yourself. Incase if you are new, seek help from your superior.
Request MR to train you in ISO DOCUMENT PROCESS applicable for your department.
With profound regards
From India, Chennai
Iso Audit Checklist For Training Department Objectives 2017
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Iso Audit Checklist For Training Department Objectives Template
Dear Ashok,Please consider blogging your experience through this audit. Feel free to share for the benefit of those who are yet to and those who missed out on the lessons you learnt.
Thanks in advance.
From India, Mumbai
AshokISO in simple language is - You establish processes as what you do or want to do. This comes as procedures, SOP's / work instructions, Formats to enter data and maintain records.
Therefore first of all go through all those procedures and records you are suppose to maintain and check whether you have the same to demonstsrte during the audit. If you are doing as is required by the system stay cool and enjoy the audit. audit is nothing but how well you demonstarte the auditor to comply with the requirements. Keep all records in place so that you can quiclky show them when asked.
Some of the key araes they will look for other than what members have already contributed:
Applicable legal requirement - copies to be in place and internal communication records
Inspections, Notices, Circulars, etc from relavant authorities and action plan or compliance
Policies - Corporate policy, HR policy, etc - record, understanding and display
Departmental objectives / KPI's, deliverables, their action plan, etc
Recruitment, induction, training, competency, appraisal records
Emplyee welfare
Overall departmental documentation and records.
From United Arab Emirates, Dubai
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Iso Audit Checklist For Training Department Objectives
#Subject List:iso 9001Country-Indiaiso consultantiso auditwork instructionshr policyinternal communicationiso certificationcompany policyiso documentationhr departmenttraining planCity-India-Hyderabad